Chair; Trustee (2007-)
Though I was born, raised and educated in New York State, I have been a resident of the Reserve, my mother’s birth place, for more than 40 years.
It is an honour and privilege to serve as Chair of the SNPL Board. As such, I can participate in the oversight of the Library and help to ensure that it grows to serve the growing community. If problems arise, I feel, as a Board member, I am in a position to help deal with any situation.
In my opinion, the Library is the most important institution on the Reserve, or at least as important as the education system. As a Board member, I can help to promote the preservation of local history, the furtherance of research, as well as provide intellectual stimulation and entertainment for every demographic group. It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly.
In 2010 I was elected to the Ontario Library Boards’ Association Council and have been the counsellor for the Central West Region libraries, including among others, Brant County, Brantford, and Haldimand County public libraries. Starting in the Spring of 2013 I begin my term as the Vice President for the Ontario Library Boards Association (OLBA) and the three year term in 2014-2016 as President-Elect, President/Outgoing-President for OLBA.