Membership is free.
An application can be completed in person, printed at home and brought in or fill out this online form.
Adults must provide valid photo ID and youth must have a signed parent/guardian application.
Computer access within the SNPL building as well as many of our online resources and databases require a valid SNPL Patron Card.
Fees may be present for some off-site events. Fees are also collected on a cost-recovery basis for printing, photocopying and faxing.
Fines will be not charged for late items but lost or missing items will need to be replaced at cost and will also be charged a five dollar restocking fee.
SNPL has made arrangements that enable Six Nations Public Library members to also receive membership at Hamilton Public Library , Brantford Public Library , County of Brant Public Library, Norfolk County Public Library, and Haldimand County Public Library. Once you are a member you can access all of the services at these libraries. This is a reciprocal agreement with these libraries – their members may also access our collection and services.
- Are included with library membership.
- Your library card number is required to access.
- If you require a PIN and have forgotten it please phone us.
- Links to e-resources are located on the right side of this page.
- You can also download the Libby app to access books from Overdrive.
- To use Libby you will need to choose Six Nations Public Library and enter your library card number.
If you require help accessing these services, let us know.
SNPL may remove patrons and visitors from the building if they are disruptive, excessively loud, accessing explicit web pages, or under/appearing to be under the influence of substances.
Knowledge is Power!
As a public service to the members and guests of Six Nations, we are here to Empower, Educate and Entertain. The Library is a vital place for recreation, growth, and information gathering in our community.